In the initial phase of the picture book project, my primary task was to craft the main characters, a crucial element in shaping the narrative. At the heart of this enchanting tale lies the story of Leo, a courageous young cat who must confront school bullies named Harley, Marley, and Farley as Halloween looms on the horizon. Leo, our noble hero, is the embodiment of kindness and gentleness, designed with the intention of eliciting empathy from young readers. Being the smallest character, he stands in stark contrast to the bullies who were deliberately given distinctive features with sharp edges and bold forms to emphasize their antagonistic role in the story.
Additionally, I had the privilege of designing Mrs. Hairball, a supporting character in the book, who serves as the teacher in the story. Exploring her character design was a delightful endeavor, as it added depth to the book’s cast.
Since all the characters in the story are felines, the writer and I collaborated to ensure each character had a unique appearance, with variations in fur colors, stripes, and other characteristics, creating a diverse and vibrant school environment.